The Bill Of Process

The industry has shunned away from true traceability and thus from recognising (and accepting) responsibility for which processes took place in the name of speed and pricing. Today’s reality is that no longer can brands and retailers continue to ignore material choices along with their related processes that can lead to environmental issues.

Plan for change and retain profitabilitiy

When it comes to the design/development decision making process, it’s important, even critical that decisions are completed in a timely manner and are linked to the development calendar milestones. The alternative is that you leave decisions to the last minute and then enter the Casino.

taking the right steps to choosing a PLM supplier

Companies must be careful and exercise great caution when taking first steps in choosing a PLM supplier and starting out on a PLM project, before they reach this point they must first stop and ask themselves many important questions for example:

Visual merchandising

There has been an increasing demand for PLM across the fashion industry lately, with many businesses jumping on board to take advantage of the efficiency savings and powerful new ways of working that the right solution can deliver.